Business Member Directory
Support those who support Fresno County Farm Bureau. The following businesses are FCFB Business Members.
Below, you will find a collective Business Member Directory where you can easily find what you need, by category.
Bolded businesses are Friends of the Family Farm Premium Members.
Real Estate
(559) 449-7688
(559) 226-9200
John L Martin CPA
(559) 896-0311
(559) 436-1200
(559) 438-8740
(559) 389-5700
(559) 437-0700
(559) 431-8334
Ag Engineers, Research & Testing Services
D & D Agricultural Lab
(559) 348-1818
(559) 233-6129
(559) 268-9755
Lange Research and Consulting, Inc.
(559) 260-3970
Ag Equipment
Fresno Equipment Company
(559) 486-8020
(559) 897-3662
Myers Ward Tractor & Equipment Company
(559) 867-0818
Orchard-Rite/Pacific Distributing Inc.
(559) 237-3222
(559) 897-7012
PBM Supply & Manufacturing Inc.
(559) 834-6921
(559) 217-5484
(559) 268-8128
(559) 659-2039
(559) 834-6207
Ag Industrial Supplies & Services
(559) 275-3366
Alert O Lite Inc.
(559) 486-4570
Baker Commodities
(559) 846-9393
(559) 499-2100
(559) 431-8100
(559) 834-2511
(559) 385-1554
(559) 434-8063
Kings Canyon Wood Products LLC
(559) 298-3007
Lassen Ag Inc./Raisin Trays & Rolls
(559) 896-4000
Maxco Supply Inc.
(559) 646-6700
Michelsen Packaging Company/Raisin Tray Rolls & Sheets
(559) 237-3819
(559) 834-5956
P&S Parts Delivery Service
(559) 432-8416
Powers Electric Products Company
(559) 275-3030
(559) 897-0711
Standard Truck and Trailer Inc.
(559) 275-3842
(559) 485-3900
Valley Welding & Machine Works
(559) 268-5014
Associations & Elected Officials
(209) 672-9743
(559) 299-8838
California Cotton Ginners & Growers Association
(559) 252-0648
(559) 264-3078
(559) 225-3000
(559) 495-4800
(916) 687-3178
(559) 251-8468
California Women for Agriculture/Central Valley Chapter
(559) 901-3933
Sanger District Chamber of Commerce
(559) 875-4575
(559) 299-7363
Attorneys & Law Firms
(559) 432-5400
(559) 248-2360
(559) 241-7070
Law Offices of Duncan Cassio Lucchesi Binkley & Van Doren PC
(559) 449-2558
Migliazzo Law, PC
(559) 319-5080
(559) 421-7000
(559) 864-9454
(559) 240-9926
(559) 485-1761
(559) 291-7711
(559) 298-8094
(559) 846-6621
Ewell Group
(559) 437-1990
(559) 434-8500
Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group
(559) 449-2700
Quintana Saragosa Public Affairs
(916) 218-7966
Salmonson Ag Resources
(559) 999-5016
(559) 318-6068
Crop Nutrient & Protection Services
(559) 389-5850
(559) 240-5126
(559) 638-6311
(559) 655-6800
Integrated Agribusiness Professionals
(559) 440-1980
(559) 801-9187
(559) 233-0585
(559) 864-3551
Disposal & Recycling
(559) 843-2467
(559) 241-7515
California State University Fresno Foundation
(559) 278-4240
(559) 733-5423
(559) 638-0300
Farm & Ranch Management/Custom Farming
American West Aviation
(559) 866-5628
Holmes Ag Management
(559) 834-3510
Huron Orchard Services
(559) 352-1043
Tree and Vine Management Inc.
(559) 643-0677
Valleywide Land Management & Consulting
(559) 908-3654
(559) 351-1226
(559) 905-1210
Farm Labor Contractors
(559) 284-8133
F&F Contracting Inc.
(559) 276-2418
Fruit Harvest Inc.
(559) 875-7363
Hall Management Corp.
(559) 846-7360
Leopoldo's Farm Service Inc.
(559) 897-0241
Trimmer Farms Management Inc.
(559) 787-2056
Valera Bros Custom Harvesting
(559) 834-6009
WORM Ag, Inc.
(559) 804-8030
Farms & Ranches
88 Ranch LLC
(559) 441-1900
Avellar Moore Farms
(559) 313-5588
(559) 866-5671
Britz Farming Corporation
(559) 448-8000
(559) 299-2354
(559) 884-2477
(559) 897-1025
(559) 907-7488
Lone Tree Creek Vineyards
(209) 599-4111
Maddox Farms
(559) 867-3545
McKean Farms
(559) 866-8600
Meyers Farms
(559) 659-3033
Michael Gragnani
(559) 279-9060
Pacheco Dairy, Inc.
(559) 846-8058
Pikalok Farming
(559) 696-0852
(559) 264-6583
Raven Dairy
(559) 896-1300
(559) 866-5414
Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Inc.
(559) 535-6050
(559) 866-5319
(559) 244-0862
Thomas Frietas Jr. Farming & Cattle
(559) 217-4855
(661) 797-6741
(559) 226-9292
(559) 916-2987
(559) 440-4655
(559) 298-1775
(559) 348-5713
(559) 277-7000
(559) 897-5814
(559) 283-8554
(415) 486-3436
(559) 225-0318
(559) 451-2358
(559) 224-7656
(559) 299-9095
(559) 451-3463
(559) 447-7807
Rick Hutchinson Financial
(559) 439-2142
Risk Mitigators and Advisors LLC
(559) 549-2850
Valley Small Business Development Corp.
(559) 438-9680
(559) 447-3909
Food Bank
(559) 237-3663
Hotels, Recreation, Restaurants & Gifts
(559) 834-1571
Fresno Clovis Convention & Visitors Bureau
(559) 981-5500
Human Resources
(559) 222-5284
All Crop Insurance
(559) 846-9976
(559) 268-7386
C.D. Simonian Insurance Agency
(559) 834-5333
(559) 448-9580
(559) 864-8800
James G Parker Insurance Associates
(559) 241-7703
Jerry Baird Agency, Baird Crop Insurance
(559) 448-8030
Jim & Lucy Petty
(559) 707-3285
Leavitt United Insurance Services
(800) 549-4242
MD Manouel Insurance Agency Inc.
(559) 446-0588
(800) 255-9913
Rain and Hail Insurance Services, LLC
(559) 224-2300
Relation Insurance Services, Inc.
(559) 222-0300
Valley Ag Insurance Agency, Inc.
(559) 431-3072
Van Beurden Insurance Services, Inc.
(559) 897-2975
(559) 432-6660
Kingsburg Insurance Agency/Central Valley Crop
(559) 897-5811
Land Leveling, Ripping, Shredding & Orchard Removal
(559) 842-7380
(559) 285-9048
(559) 724-4343
Helen Anderson & Sons Inc.
(559) 875-3090
(559) 513-8613
(559) 261-4444
Nursery & Seed Products
(559) 255-6645
(559) 299-5402
Family Ranch, Inc.
(559) 945-7460
Petroleum & Propane Products
(661) 654-7970
(530) 885-0401
(559) 275-6735
Valley Pacific Petroleum Services Inc.
(559) 732-8381
(559) 693-4482
Western States Petroleum Association
(661) 319-6340
(559) 485-8210
Produce Brokerage, Marketing, Packing & Shipping
(559) 276-7021
(559) 485-9200
(559) 560-5600
(559) 834-5345
(559) 864-9448
(559) 490-1245
(559) 888-2031
(559) 675-9000
(559) 834-5911
(800) 321-8747
Gargiulo Inc.
(559) 659-3359
(559) 685-3663
(559) 445-1123
(559) 449-1721
(559) 299-0201
(559) 433-3785
Real Estate
A13 Properties
(877) 225-2113
Advanced Ag Realty & Appraisal
(559) 259-0756
Melvin Lubisich, Pearson Realty
(559) 217-2000
(559) 432-6200
Robert Nielsen, Pearson Realty
(559) 647-1315
(559) 272-9676
Rancho Realty
(559) 486-1694
(559) 431-2280
(559) 485-0759
(559) 734-1700
(559) 875-2095
(559) 916-0370
Transportation & Logistics
(559) 659-3981
(559) 442-1590
Myovich Trucking, Inc.
(559) 264-1181
Stan Alles Transport
(559) 275-6744
United States Cold Storage, Inc.
(559) 237-6145
(559) 834-5500
Water, Irrigation & Energy
(559) 476-3830
(559) 846-5326
(559) 608-4410
(559) 275-8825
(559) 747-0755
(209) 900-4500
(559) 263-5858
(559) 438-1074
(650) 387-1797
Rain for Rent/West Side Pump Co.
(559) 693-4315
Sam Jorgensen Pump Co. Inc.
(559) 638-2235
(559) 224-1523
(559) 691-7017