About Fresno County
Farm Bureau
Serving Agriculture Since 1917

Fresno County Farm Bureau is a non-profit membership organization founded in 1917 to promote and protect agriculture. As part of a nationwide Farm Bureau network of more than five million members, FCFB provides agricultural advocacy and outreach activities for some of the most productive and efficient farmers in the world.
Farm Bureau is part of a grassroots, nationwide network of Farm Bureaus organized on a county, state and national levels. The county Farm Bureau is the center of the organization. It is here that members join by payment of nominal annual dues which entitles them to the wide range of services and member benefits.
FCFB is one of 53 county Farm Bureaus currently representing a combined membership of over 4,000 family members in Fresno County. Collectively, Farm Bureau is California's largest farm organization with memberships from 76,500 farm families in 56 counties.
California Farm Bureau Federation serves the county Farm Bureaus' as our voice in state issues and works closely with representatives from American Farm Bureau Federation on issues of national importance.